
Conference Vision

Building an international exchange and cooperation platform for rehabilitation engineering and cutting-edge rehabilitation technology, promoting the development of the global rehabilitation engineering scale industry, achieving "technology makes the world accessible" and benefiting disabled elderly and people worldwide.

International rehabilitation assistive devices are developing towards intelligence, in the future, rehabilitation robots will become the highland of the rehabilitation assistive device industry and an important technical support for coping with an aging society.

The advancement of rehabilitation science, technology, and clinical practice is changing the lives of many patients, helping them reintegrate into society. WRRC aims to create the first comprehensive global summit forum on rehabilitation robots, gathering top professionals from the world's technology, industry, investment, and political circles to discuss rehabilitation robot technology and industry development, and bring inspiring innovation and social impact to the field of neurorehabilitation.

The International Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Conference (i-CREATe) is held annually in different countries in Asia and is the largest rehabilitation engineering conference in Asia with international influence. I-CREATe is the main academic and information exchange platform hosted by the Asian Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Alliance, and also the annual academic conference of the alliance.

I-CREATe was held in Shanghai in 2018, with over 1000 attendees, making it the largest conference held in Asia at present. In 2024, it will be held again in China, and Princess Sirindhorn of Thailand will personally attend the conference in Shanghai, with Professor Yu Hongliu as the conference president.

The First World Rehabilitation Robot Convention (WRRC) will be held together with the internationally renowned International Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Conference 2024 Annual Conference (i-CREATe-2024), aiming to create the first comprehensive global summit forum on rehabilitation robots, gathering top professionals from the world's technology, industry, investment, and political circles to discuss the development of rehabilitation robot technology and industry, And bring inspiring innovation and social impact in the field of neurorehabilitation. The conference will invite internationally renowned speakers in rehabilitation science, assistive technology, appliances, and clinical neuroscience, as well as doctors, physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation engineers, neuroscientists, and many other experts in professional fields. The aim is to connect neurorehabilitation robots with related disciplines, promote further development of interdisciplinary platforms, and use this platform to promote the convergence of local industries with global rehabilitation robot technology Talents and funding are needed to build a global academic exchange and industrial highland for intelligent rehabilitation engineering, becoming the largest top-level rehabilitation engineering and rehabilitation robot event in the world.